Welcome to Ondi Laure’s Author Site

.      -Writing Stories of Untold History, Wisdom, and Courage-  

Ondi Laure, Author

Morningstar is an epic novel that bridges society’s gap of patriarchal domination to that of wisdom, grace, love, and harmony.

    “A corrupt army, an abandoned baby, a torturous death by fire, and an unrelenting grandmother, all lend to Saren’s fast-paced epic saga for teens and young adults.

    Morningstar is a young woman’s quest for truth, survival, and love. It is a historical mystery. The heroine, Saren, a fiery teen raised by her father, begins her journey to explain his disappearance.

    Her father, Charles, is a Royal Lollards Knight in early fifteenth-century Britain. Saren endeavors to fulfill a daughter’s promise and must embark on a dangerous mission, while entangled in a dangerous love triangle.

    The mysterious secrets entrusted to her must be protected from falling into the evil hands that pursue her.

    Saren’s love for her father and his love for her prove fiercer than laws that rule the universe and transcend the dimensions of heaven and hell.

    Members of The Crown and The Church pursue Saren in London. She finds refuge in the friendship of a young man, William. Together, Saren, William, and Philip, from the reaches of heaven, fight to preserve the ancient secrets from evil until civilization is ready to accept the truth.”

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