Do You Even Really Know What You Want In Life?

So, this happened for me yesterday!! You may read the entire Forbes article here

4. Reverse Engineer Your Legacy. 

Start with the end in mind and think about the impact you want to leave on the world. Then, reverse engineer the actions and steps you need to take to start building that.

Rather than focusing your life force on the hours worked or checking off society’s external measures of “success,” honestly ask yourself what you’d like to create on this planet that will leave ripple effects long after you’re gone. Your legacy is how people will remember you.

This could look like a piece of art, sustainable efforts in your company, or even writing a book.

As Ondi Laure, founder of Story Launcher’s Publishing system which helps people build their legacy through writing a book, advises: “You need to begin creating your legacy and not just a business.”

After all, a business is just a way to make money, but a legacy is something that will last far beyond your life. A legacy is something that will continue to impact future generations. It could be something as simple as a book that parents read to their children or a nationwide business on every street corner. 

Imagine telling your story that will inspire thousands of people. The world is looking for authenticity, and writing a book is a powerful way to share your deepest thoughts, dreams, and desires that will lay the foundation for your legacy. Shift your focus on what actions you can take that will reach far beyond a business alone. Wealth and success come and go… but the legacy you leave behind, and with intention, will last forever.

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Contributing article:

Do You Even Really Know What You Want In Life?

Celinne Da Costa

Celinne Da CostaContributorForbesWomenCelinne Da Costa is a writer, speaker, and brand story coach teaching entrepreneurs to become confident leaders with powerful stories, influential brands, international media coverage, and thousands of raving followers.

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