Become the Author the World Needs Now

Story Launcher is a platform for authors to grow and expand their authorship, knowledge, and wisdom while becoming the best version of themselves.

Join me as I share a storyteller’s journey from being a busted-up and broken cowgirl to a best-selling author.

Writing takes time. We must give ourselves the time necessary to cultivate the writing we need to clarify the message.

Stories change people, and people change the world- The journey of becoming the person you need to become to write the book in your heart takes courage and grace.

Through doing and experience, one can write the words the world needs now.

Being told the experience does nothing for the student or the lesson. Good writing makes for a fine story, though, not yet the story that whispers from the depth of one’s soul yearning to be shared.

So, keep writing, learning, exploring, and experiencing along this journey until one day, the novel will reflect the portrait of the mind. Hold your intention and keep striving.

Story Launcher is a platform for authors to grow and expand their authorship, knowledge, and wisdom while becoming the best version of themselves.

In our writing groups, clarity is the driving force of intentional purpose.

Where inspiration and energy flow, freedom of possibility lives. Crafting is simple, and ideas grow and evolve spontaneously once accountability and space prevail.

The story writing process is simple, the execution habitual, and the syntax crucial.

Ideas are fleeting in the planning and organization of thoughts, sporadic thoughts like a flee-bitten squirrel in Georgia in August. Life, fears, criticism, fear of being seen, and even the fear of success are realities when the storyteller captures and shares their soul.

Writers and creators jump from tree project to tree project, never quite finding one that is their own yet launching it, like flickering sparks of ideas between the author’s ears.

Nothing is lost when given to creativity but a scattered thought, perhaps life’s experiences captured to now convey to my readers this journey of becoming a storyteller.

I am a storyteller who liberates all other storytellers to write their truth from the source, from the muse.

The storyteller’s journey from cowgirl to bestselling author begins, of course, with stories.

Click here to watch my new Webinar and schedule a call with me to discuss the book on your heart.
Talk soon,
PS—Our closed writing group is available through application only to protect others’ content and preserve the health of our community.

Morningstar-Book One-Coming Soon

I am celebrating another glorious shift today, overcoming a massive gap in sharing my goal of shooting for the NY Times Best-Seller out loud.
I WROTE A LETTER TO JOSEPHINA, MY SUPERHERO ME! I am glad to have her along on this ride!

So, I started working on Action Steps. Number one was my social media marketing campaign. I started digging up old content and campaigns that didn’t excite me like the feeling this bigger, glorious goal had earlier today, so I went for a walk!

Yep, I felt off! Out of wack.

While away from my computer, I realized what I have been sharing is not working anymore. When I went back and connected the emotion of why I want to be a New York Times Best-Selling author,

I want to experience success and create my legacy, love, and service, yes!

I also know that becoming a NY Times best-selling author is necessary. Becoming a NY Times best-selling author is inevitable to the scale I will release my story and voice to the masses! And created this.

Now we’re talking. Be watching for more details to follow❤️

A Christmas Letter

 I’ve buried myself in failed toffee and pools of melted divinity graced with noses, mouths, and eyes to look as if they were intentionally melted snowmen…

Such is a good cry this time of year and best, yet it is the ignition switch to my writing a Christmas letter.

In preparing for Christmas events, it becomes clear that all the preparations are the true gifts we share. The journey of preparing for Christmas, like most events, is the gift we give and receive.

The perfect tradition I do for myself each year is cleaning up, completing tasks from 2023, and preparing for the New Year. It is in the cleaning out and letting go of the old and making space for the new that I enjoy the season.

I was working on writing an email marketing campaign for my publishing company, Story Launcher, as I began cleaning out and preparing for Christmas; I was also working on taxes, shopping for gifts, and babysitting the grand pups and baby Autumn. I was in the midst of copy edits for Morningstar’s series and writing a memoir when I decided to spend my days keeping Christmas my #1 priority. I have done so for weeks now, and I have 5 failed candy attempts.

Now, I’ve regained my seat at my desk, picked up where I left off before candy burning, and begun cleaning my hard drive, so to say, preparing a place in my life for more writing and storytelling in 2024.

And a Christmas letter!

With the many Christmas preparations I’m enjoying, and as the gingerbread dough chills, I’m planting many seed preparations for 2024. The first Story Launcher’s Aligned Writing Pilot Project for anyone who has a positive message to share with the world, to establish their clear vision and outcome to write the 1st draft in just 4 months and create an online coaching business blueprint. Please PM on FB @OndiLaure if you’re interested in getting your book written in 2024!

Enjoy your Christmas preparations this year! Remember that the journey to our desired destination is the fun and the joy!

Preparing For Change

Centuries have come and gone, multiple generations of my family have dedicated love, time, and sacrifice to the saving of wisdom, faith, and truth to the native people of Wyoming.

Unintentionally, I too am sharing sacred truths and wisdom for my readers. And in learning of the John Robert’s festival this first Saturday in June, I realize the irony of my message and my purpose to not only write but to share my work and research of times past and prepare my readers for the changing times.

My Great-Great Grandfather, Reverend John Roberts, translated the New Testament from English into both Shoshone and Arapaho languages in the late 19th century.

His native Cornish/Welsh language, I have learned, was one of the first translations of the Bible from Latin in the 13th century.

The struggles to overcome repression of the Celtic, Gaelic, Irish, Scotch, and English peoples reigned across the British Isles as depicted in my upcoming novel, Morningstar, until The Great Bible of 1539 was finally authorized by King Henry VII.  

Reverend Roberts was fluent in many languages before coming to The Wyoming Territory in 1882. His appreciation and longing for learning and helping the Native Americans on the Shoshone Bannock Reservation in undoubtedly our family’s greatest legacy. And his and Chief Washakie’s intentions to prepare the Natives, and everyone, for unavoidable change is now all our moral obligation.

Times continue to change and native cultures and customs, now more than ever, hold answers to helping us all as we consciously evolve. Evolve and awaken to our earthly purpose and plan as a species.

As I write and listen to the muse for inspiration. I find truths that resonate and know without a doubt the power and virtue that my wisdom unfolds before me. Fear has often stood before me as a dense overgrown forest before a string of pack mules. Yet, on I write knowing that my stories and grace have come to me to share with you because there is always a way through the forest.

Many years I strove to write what I love and what I found my curiosity longing to explore. Today, I have never felt so on point with the history and prose that has long been vailed and I am beyond grateful to be aligned once again with all the John Roberts and his name hold sacred.

Join us Saturday at the John Roberts Festival (Saturday, June 3, at 11am at the Shoshone Episcopal Mission) Fort Washakie Wyoming.

For more information you may inquire at this link:

Writing is Therapeutic, Indeed!

Writing your memoir, the story that has shaped you is most certainly the path to healing.

Sometimes, we look at writing a letter, a blog post, an article, or even a book as a chore…

I challenge you to look at the project before you and ask, “How am I looking at my writing tasks? Am I avoiding the writing that could best serve me?”

Whatever the writing project is before you, could this project literally (puns always intentional) help you?

Could your project, the writing of your story, heal you?

Writing is releasing. Writing is an exercise in unleashing past traumas and letting go of negative experiences and emotions that often manifest in negative aspects of our lives either in disease, injury, or illness.

Writing your memoir, the story that has shaped you is most certainly the path to healing.

This therapeutic benefit of writing your story doesn’t stop there because once we have found this release through the writing of our story, we open ourselves up for new positive energy in our lives. We also provide magnificent benefits to others.

The possibilities blossom when we recognize that our own story can help someone else transform their own life!

Life is often challenging and hard. You have come through your own hells to, now, be gifted the chance to help another human being through your story.

Today, look back at your own journey and ask yourself, “How could my writing of my story transform my own life, my family’s lives, and the world?

Step into your greatness, rise above your fears and imagine what potential your story has to serve.

My link to jump on a discovery call is below. Let’s see if we are a good fit to work together. Discovery calls are always free!

The World Needs your Wisdom, Now

%FIRSTNAME%, What are you waiting for?

Story Launcher helps authors like you take their idea, their inspiration, to a publishable manuscript in just 8-weeks!

Our clients receive: access to individualized course materials, membership to our specific Facebook groups, weekly live Q & A sessions, monthly editorial consults, individualized feedback, and accountability.

No two books are alike, and each author deserves specialized and individual attention…. 

Story Launcher’s programs are for: authors, entrepreneurs, visionaries that have a clear mission and have worked on their book for 6 months or more. Our programs are not for tire-kickers, or anyone looking for a ‘get rich quick’ writing program.

If your way is not working, you need Story Launcher’s programs, NOW!

We have a proven writing, pitching, and marketing system for authors, entrepreneurs, and visionaries who want to publish their book to best-selling status and create their LEGACY.

There are 4 specifics that you need to achieve best-selling status:

1.     A clear, concise, and beautiful book

2.     An author platform of 10,000+ fans

3.     A service-oriented mission

4.     A community and support network to help keep you aligned and on track

These 4 assets alone will ensure you are creating a best-selling book and your LEGACY work.

You will see results in Story Launcher’s programs because we provide: individual attention to every author and their book. (Again, there are NO two books alike. And each demands it’s own unique approach.)

For example, our client Mrs. Callie Katz’s book, Sweat or Silt- A Guide for the Female Entrepreneur with Grit. (Launching now! Join us for the book launch at: )

Callie is stepping into her greatness and following her dreams of being a best-selling author. She is prepared to take her book and her list to grow her business, gett on stages, empowering others, and yes writing more books!

Are these results that you are looking for, %FIRSTNAME%?

Then the first step to schedule a BREAKTHROUGH CALL and take advantage of our fall rates. Your book inspiration won’t wait. The world needs your wisdom now. We can only work with 5 new book project this fall and we are filling up fast!

If you are ready to step into your greatness and launch your legacy book, stop waiting and click the link below, now, to grab your fee book breakthrough call so that you can launch your book to best-selling status.

Or, Is It What we Accept?

He was telling me, “It is what we accept.” And he had accepted his demise. I have a choice… as do you.

“It is what it is,” I told my dad weeks before his death. A phrase that had grown habitual coming from my lips… I found comfort in saying this as the bills piled up and the few hay bales accumulated in the hay yard.

My dad loathed me saying this and rebutted in persistence, “Like hell it is! I’m sick, can’t breathe, and have nothing to look forward to. The world is a wreck and I’m dying.”

I read these scribbles from back then, and the phrase that I had taken on, “it is what it is,” and chuckle inwardly. Now I realize what my dad was saying. 

He was telling me, “It is what we accept.” And he had accepted his demise. I have a choice in accepting my bank account and my meager stockpile of winter feed for my critters. Or I can refuse to accept this and take action.  Either way, the choice is mine. As was his, and is your own.

Getting Back to Purpose

The one simple step in empowering purpose is the act of submission and letting go control of the outcome of a situation.

I have a recurring vision of goodness and light that visits my heart lately.

A vision of clarity and purpose that surrounds, though not quite clear how is more a vision of submission and allowing. A vision of gratitude of purpose. 

A vision of knowing and accepting all that is and all that is to be. 

I was led to read an email from an acquaintance yesterday where she happen to mention the Ouroborus of ancient mythologies. 

I have been thinking of such cycles of life of late that ebb and flow. And not surprised by the coincidence that this symbol appeared in my day. 

As I’ve lately contemplated the cycle of life as new babies are on the way. Perhaps to match their great grandparents’ birthdates, no doubt (loving the multiple layers of coincidence). 

I write today with purpose. Surprisingly, my purpose is to share my own ideas and passions. Yes, purpose to share my purpose… 

I ponder how long it has taken me to arrive here to purpose… 

This journey of mine has been life. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a bumpy, crazy, ebbing journey of love, light, and expansion. 

Life, no doubt, is not always such for me or for most. Life has those, not-so-pretty moments. Those moments when your heart feels like it has been cut from your chest and left at your feet. And life has those moments where your heart hums and floats before you with wings of its own. Life is always ebbing, flowing. 

Getting back to purpose… 

I have spent the past 72 months distracted and avoiding my life’s purpose. I am easily distracted, no doubt. And I have gleaned wisdom exponentially. 

So, I would not change one single thing or decision made these past 72 months. Beautiful, is it not? How do all of the tools that we need find us right on time? 

My avoidance has been due to fear. Fear of the unknown and uncertainty, yes. And mostly fears of rejection and confrontation. Fear sharing my truth  because I am fearful of what others will think and what others will say. 

Today, I begin new. I begin to share my purpose and my intentions are exactly to inspire thoughts and conversation and this is impossible without some confrontation and even some rejection. 

Because my message and my purpose are far bigger than my own fear and more valuable to the enlightenment and expansion of others. 

I share one simple trick for empowering purposes, though not always easy to implement. 

The one simple step in empowering purpose is the act of submission and letting go control of the outcome of a situation.

Not knowing how exactly is simple though not easy. And knowing the what, having the endpoint fixated upon your compass is crucial. Simply trust that this is all that is needed now.

Changing the World One Book at a Time

Share your favorite books with us in the comments and let other readers know what book you are reading now.

I am Ondi Laure, a.k.a The Story Launcher. I help authors, visionaries, and change seekers to write and craft their best-selling books in 8-weeks (The rough draft no doubt).


Story Launcher was established in 2019 to provide a system that empowers authors, visionaries, and change-makers to harness the tools, resources, and support that they need to write their books, publish their books, and launch their message to ultimate success. 

We do this through our dynamic writing environment, rich in spontaneity, accountability, and structure. We then publish their books as elegantly and cost-effectively as possible to ensure the highest return on initial investment and the greatest retention of each author’s royalties by increasing book sales and opportunities beyond the first printing. 

Thinking back on your own life’s journey what books shaped you? What books changed you?

The books that shaped me early in life, mostly fiction novels and yes many classics, were:

  • Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Back
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Haper Lee
  • The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
  • Foucault Pendulum by Umberto Eco

The countless nonfiction books that continue to influence my journey include books like: 

  • The Dance of the Dissident Daughter by Sue Monk Kidd
  • TNT It Rocks the Earth (And all his books) by Claude Bristol
  • The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear

Share your favorite books with us in the comments and let other readers know what book you are reading now. At the moment, I’m reading The Power of Broke by Daymond John. Love it!!❤️